Saturday, 8 January 2011

Post Christmas update

January 8th

So here we are on the other side of Christmas. As expected I put on a few pounds. I had 3 or four 3 course meals over the period and ate what I would usually eat (when not dieting). As I have said before I dont believe in depriving yourself in these situations especially when you have to watch everyone else tucking in. I had the statutory chocolate advent calendar. June bought a tub of twiglets which only her and I eat, so I ate most of those. I had a slice of Christmas cake, some nibbles etc etc so hardly diet friendly. On the plus side, I worked through most of the festive period so work days I ate in moderation as normal. I put on about 4-5 lbs. I also havent done any exercise in about 6 weeks as I have had flu followed by a chest infection which made it difficult for me to do any kind of exertion without coughing and wheezing. So overall I think thats an acceptable place to be after Christmas.

Once New year was out of the way it was time to crack on again with the plan. I wanted to kick start my body again and also detox a little too. For the first week I ate broth based soups for lunch with bread. Usual fruit and snacks. I tried to keep main meals very low fat, so lots of fish and pasta with tomato based sauces. I cut back on the alcohol a little in particular the cider. Calorie intake was still around 1300-1400.

I started back in the gym this week and I knew I would have gone backwards quite a bit having not done anything for so long. I was still suprised at how much fitness I had lost though. I had reached around wk 16 of my exercise program and knowing I was out of sorts reverted back to wk 4-6 of the program on Tuesday. I really struggled with it! I think I was still tired from burning the candle at both ends over the last few weeks. On Thursday I did the program for wk 2-4. This weekend is the first opportunity to relax in quite some time and work is getting back to normal pace so I hope to be a bit more refreshed next week.

So after a week of low fat and exercise, am I back on track? Better than I ever hoped! I have lost 7lbs this week! I have never lost half a stone in a week in my life! So not only have I lost the added on weight, but I have lost a couple more lbs too. I am very happy with that. I am going to keep the diet similar next week but I dont expect to lose as much and my body will start to adjust.

On a good note, last night I went out in a pair of size 14 jeans. Ok so I did wear a body shaper underneath just to iron out the bumps, but SIZE 14!!

I have an added incentive now too, not that I needed one. Helen's (my sister) wedding is in june which is roughly when I expect to reach my target weight/size. I cant wait to wear something really nice and show off my hard earned new figure :-)

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