Sunday, 30 January 2011

30th Jan

Ok firstly let me correct an error in the last post; Helen is not getting married in July, its April. I knew that, I dont know why I put July. Anyway I should be almost target weight by then.

So since my last update, I did a couple of weeks at 1300-1400 calories then I hit a wall and wasnt losing much weight. I decided to up the calorie count again and toughen up the workouts a little bit. So last week calories were around 1600-1800 per day (depending on alcohol intake). Examples of meals from last week: Meatloaf, mixed bean casserole, bacon pasta bake. Good wholesome food not cabbage soup and salad! Workouts are starting to get back on track, I am still not back to pre-christmas levels but getting much better. I have been mixing it up a little bit too by going for some bike rides, doing Davina's cardio DVD and I have started to do some squats and deadlifts. I am also starting to focus on core strength by doing exercises such as "The plank". Improving your core strength helps develop your abs but also helps your balance and posture.

This week I have lost 3lbs, which I am very happy with. Total weight loss now stands at 3 stone and 9lbs. Less than 2 stone left to lose now. When I lose another stone I will start to think about how I look and feel and decide how much more I would like to lose. That will leave me at 11st 4lb. Last time I was skinny I weighed 11st 3lb and I would have liked to get just under 11st. Im thinking somewhere between 10st 7lb and 11st would be about right. Like I say its more to do with how I look and feel rather than the numbers.

By the way, those size 14 jeans are already starting to get a little lose :-)

Saturday, 8 January 2011

Post Christmas update

January 8th

So here we are on the other side of Christmas. As expected I put on a few pounds. I had 3 or four 3 course meals over the period and ate what I would usually eat (when not dieting). As I have said before I dont believe in depriving yourself in these situations especially when you have to watch everyone else tucking in. I had the statutory chocolate advent calendar. June bought a tub of twiglets which only her and I eat, so I ate most of those. I had a slice of Christmas cake, some nibbles etc etc so hardly diet friendly. On the plus side, I worked through most of the festive period so work days I ate in moderation as normal. I put on about 4-5 lbs. I also havent done any exercise in about 6 weeks as I have had flu followed by a chest infection which made it difficult for me to do any kind of exertion without coughing and wheezing. So overall I think thats an acceptable place to be after Christmas.

Once New year was out of the way it was time to crack on again with the plan. I wanted to kick start my body again and also detox a little too. For the first week I ate broth based soups for lunch with bread. Usual fruit and snacks. I tried to keep main meals very low fat, so lots of fish and pasta with tomato based sauces. I cut back on the alcohol a little in particular the cider. Calorie intake was still around 1300-1400.

I started back in the gym this week and I knew I would have gone backwards quite a bit having not done anything for so long. I was still suprised at how much fitness I had lost though. I had reached around wk 16 of my exercise program and knowing I was out of sorts reverted back to wk 4-6 of the program on Tuesday. I really struggled with it! I think I was still tired from burning the candle at both ends over the last few weeks. On Thursday I did the program for wk 2-4. This weekend is the first opportunity to relax in quite some time and work is getting back to normal pace so I hope to be a bit more refreshed next week.

So after a week of low fat and exercise, am I back on track? Better than I ever hoped! I have lost 7lbs this week! I have never lost half a stone in a week in my life! So not only have I lost the added on weight, but I have lost a couple more lbs too. I am very happy with that. I am going to keep the diet similar next week but I dont expect to lose as much and my body will start to adjust.

On a good note, last night I went out in a pair of size 14 jeans. Ok so I did wear a body shaper underneath just to iron out the bumps, but SIZE 14!!

I have an added incentive now too, not that I needed one. Helen's (my sister) wedding is in june which is roughly when I expect to reach my target weight/size. I cant wait to wear something really nice and show off my hard earned new figure :-)